As a four-campus university, the UGS holds a solid internal and interuniversity virtual infrastructure that facilitates operations, communication, and learning activities.

As per the learning sphere, the UGS has fully trained staff, faculty, IT, and students to design, deliver, and receive virtual learning material from any end and internationally. Candidates enrolled in post-gradute programs may therefore benefit from such environment as either students, examinees, interns, or any other academic, professional, or human relational form – receiving full training, assistance, and supervision.

Academic Honesty & Etiquette

As an institution dedicated to the educational, ethical, and civic growth of its community, Unicollege Gratuated School is committed to acknowledging, monitoring,
and managing any expression of human and/or academic malpractice taking place within its academic jurisdiction.

Exacerbations of such practices may be, and are not limited to:

  • academic cheating
  • plagiarism*
  • mise en scene of premeditated academic practicesto generate individual academic advantage and/or

    detriment to the academic community

  • employment and use of technological systems anddevices (i.e., artificial intelligence, Chat GPT, etc.) to conceptualize, finalize, and/or submit official academic material (assignments, quizzes, exams, etc.)
  • purchasing/commissioning and submitting inauthentic material (i.e., miscellaneous academic submissions purchased from websites or commissioned to external writers who are not the signing student)
  • theft, alteration, copy, destruction of academic material (i.e., quizzes, exams, journals, etc.)
  • any detrimental action, operation, and intention intercepted and validated by a reliable source that jeopardizes academic integrity and/or interpersonal coexistence.When an academic submission candidate shows sufficient elements of academic dishonesty, an official invigilating representative should:
  1. 1)  gather all the elements that concur to build evidence of the abovementioned infraction – whilst keeping trackable evidence of the gathered material and the actions taken to solve it
  2. 2)  discuss, when possible, with the candidate and provide a potential reparative solution
  3. 3)  if the second point is not applicable or does not lead to a viable solution, the official invigilating representative should involve a further coordinating representative (i.e., Head of Department/School and/or the Dean of Academic Affairs)

4) when the case is under revision by either the Head
of Department/School and/or the Dean of Academic Affairs, it may take up to 45 days to analyze, review, and finalize it. The authority/ies in charge will eventually issue a report holding a final decision that will, if necessary, then be passed onto the ascribed School of Records/sending institution, and or pertinent authority.

Depending on the nature of the infraction, the work/ candidate in object may:

• partially/fully re-take the assignment;
• be re-graded by amending lowering the grade (by one

or more letters);
• re-submit the assignment to another internal/external

peer Instructor or nominated delegate for revision and

re grading;
• asked to produce complementary work that will adjust/

amend/recalibrate the grade;
• be asked to defend his/her position before a nominated

board of assessors;
• present official note of apology to any offended party; • be sanctioned with an official reprimand – either

written or verbal then sent to the ascribed School of

Records/sending institution, and or pertinent authority; • receive a “W” or “F” on the official transcript.

The nominated authority/ies reviewing the case may apply one or more conditions described above or formulate one that applies to the ad hoc case.
Any decision made by the nominated authority/ies is indisputable.

* Plagiarism is a serious exemplification of academic fraudulent practices and is internally verified via sophisticated systems provided by Unicollege Graduate School. Candidates whose work is detected as plagiarized can undergo the same procedures outlined above.

Academic Conduct & Community Life

n addition to academic integrity a rigor, any person belonging to and interacting with the Unicollege community must respect interpersonal, institutional, cultural, and civic norms throughout their Study Abroad experience. Candidates breaching rules of conviviality within the community – and, when applicable, also outside of it – may face institutional repercussions that may draw from the list of provisions outlined in the “Academic Honesty & Etiquette” section. Exemplifications of misconduct may be – and are not limited to:

  • discrimination – on the basis of religion, race, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or any other legally protected category;
  • personal and/or academic offense;
  • sexual harassment;
  • drug, alcohol, or illegal substances abuse;
  • physical and/or verbal violence.Members of staff, faculty, or students can report potential instances of any form of plausible misconduct to any representative authority within the community. The resolutive procedures applying in any of the circumstances outlined above – and/or others –
    will potentially follow an ascensional path, whereby offended/witnessing parties will report to immediate representative/s, who will internally involve competent authorities and parties until the case is institutionally solved.

    As Unicollege Graduate School fosters values of representation and equity, in any of the above – or others – circumstances, it will involve both – or more – parties to gather a global narrative of the given subject. Should the case require it, Unicollege Graduate School will
    invoke a board of assessors, who will scrutiny the case and provide a final decision on the pertaining actions and consequences. The outcome of such a deliberation is indisputable and may be recorded on the subject/s’ academic and/or professional curriculum.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Unicollege Gradueate School is a university with validated and monitored compliance of national and European policies of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

It is committed to guaranteeing a free, accessible, respectful, equal, and non-discriminatory environment to internal and external members of staff, faculty, students, and any individual interacting with the academic community – in both informal and formal contexts.

Unicollege Graduate School prohibits and contrasts discrimination on the basis of religion, race, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or any other legally protected category. To guarantee the reiteration of this culture, Unicollege Graduate School organizes training and mentoring sessions to staff and faculty members, who are also contractually obliged to sign strict labor laws provided by the Italian law (of labor).

Furthermore, Unicollege Graduate School undergoes regular auditing sessions by both internal and external, private and public agencies that provide further invigilation on the metabolization, application, and perpetuation of fair policies of equity, diversity, and inclusion within (and outside of) the academic and professional community.

Neuro-Diversity & Learning Support

Unicollege Graduate School is committed to guaranteeing fair educational, cognitive, and intellectual access to everyone.

Candidates and/or instructors, members of staff and
any individual suffering from either physical and/or neurodiverse attested disabilities will receive dedicated assistance and aid. Upon submission of certified documentation and consideration of the personal case, Unicollege Graduate School will prepare, if needed, members of staff and faculty, as well as designated spaces, rooms, and facilities in the most feasible and accessible way for the wellbeing of the candidate and his/ her academic experience.

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Depending on the case, Unicollege Graduate School
will facilitate access and disposition of dedicated exam rooms; calibrated and extra time for exams or specific academic performances; the involvement of technical and/or medical experts, and any other feasible and applicable facilitation in the capacity of the Institution.
All abovementioned conditions and services are already integral part of Unicollege Graduate School and its Italian complementary university activity.

Candidates applying to receive special assistance must notify the university in advance and prior to arrival – at least 60 days before the arrival date.

While Unicollege Graduate School guarantees dedication to each case, candidates may find different services and facilities from the home institution.

Student Life & Services

As an active player within the Italian private university system, Unicollege Graduate School holds a pre-existing infrastructure of services that seek to facilitate its Italian students’ academic and personal experiences all year round.

Such infrastructure is also valid for its Study Abroad students and include:

  • Language tandems: as one of Italy’s first and oldest private universities specializing in languages, Unicollege Graduate School has a consolidated history in transcultural and trans-linguistic exchanges on both a local and international level. Among others, Unicollege Graduate School has active language tandems between its academic community and the New York and Syracuse University(ies). Candidates can therefore benefit from rich and dynamic schedules, where they will be able to maximize their native language/s and benefit from other students’ idioms, languages, and cultures.
  • Language assistance: Unicollege Graduate School
    has almost 50 years of experience in the realms
    of language teaching and learning. Accordingly,
    it developed unique pedagogical and academic expertise in the challenging process of learning foreign languages. Candidates wishing to improve, revise, or hone their foreign language skills can apply to receive either individual or group assistance across the six levels of language proficiency (introductory>native), benefiting from a cohort of native speakers, tutors, and instructors holding international and proven experience in the field.

• Sport & wellbeing: Unicollege Graduate School
regards sport as a major catalyzer to facilitate integration, international networking, a fair sense of competitiveness, as well as a healthy recreational tool for the body and mind. Taking advantage of 8,000+ squared meters of green and relax areas, Unicollege organizes open air yoga sessions, international sport competitions, as well as miscellaneous sport activities with international instructors. Moreover, it features strategic partnerships with local and international sport & wellbeing institutions that give access to ad hoc services, discounts, and benefits to Unicollege Graduate School students and people.

• Psychological support: while a Study Abroad session can surely be an enriching and life-changing experience, it can also be challenging on a personal, academic, and psychological level. Unicollege Graduate School offers individual sessions with coaches, tutors, and experts that will aid any candidate experiencing difficulties, issues, and any sort of problem throughout the experience – either in person or virtually.

• Field trips & immersive cultural experiences:
as indicated in the “Learning Methodologies & Approaches” section, Unicollege Graduate School fosters hands-on, experiential, and immersive
learning experiences through a series of activities
that celebrate the unique learning context of Italy. In addition to ad hoc courses that exacerbate this very methodological approaches and educational spirit, Unicollege Graduate School organizes recurrent field trips and immersive cultural experiences all year round that involve local, national, and universally known businesses that provide complementary knowhows and expertise to lectures, courses, and programs.

• 24/7 assistance: in addition to their unique enriching spirit and experiential component, Study abroad experiences may pose some logistical, linguistic, and managerial limits that may provide the intervention of external (human) resources or providers. With

50+ years of experience in international education, Unicollege Graduate School has been building an efficient 24/7 assistance service that is guaranteed
to all students enrolling in full-service plans, who will benefit from fully bilingual local staff, who will facilitate any applicable service and operation.